Be An Ambassador
The Downtown Ambassador Program is managed by Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID). Representing the State Street and Capitol Square areas, the BID works to market the district, create a welcoming environment, and contribute to the cultural and economic vitality of Madison’s Downtown.
Ambassadors work to help create a welcoming atmosphere for visitors and residents by providing information at our Visitor Center and info booth, connect with downtown businesses, and help with community events.
To inquire about or apply for a paid Ambassador postion, contact: BID Operations Director Tim Jenquin at
Volunteer to be an Information Ambassador
In the Downtown Information Ambassador program, Ambassadors work as “concierges” for Downtown Madison, ready to offer event information, downtown maps and directions, restaurant and shopping suggestions, and a friendly smile. Downtown Ambassadors work to create a welcoming environment downtown, provide information on downtown events and businesses, and serve as a liaison to BID businesses.
Assisting approximately 45,000 people annually, Ambassadors are staffed year round in the Downtown Visitor Center, from May through early October on the Capitol Square inside the information booth, as well as on the Downtown trolley during the winter holiday season and at special events throughout the year.
Volunteer Ambassadors contribute 500 hours of service annually at our Downtown Information Booth, Information Tables at special events, as well as event assistance such as attendants on the Downtown Holiday Trolley. Volunteers recieve a $25 Downtown Madison Gift Certificate for every 25 hours volunteered.
Shifts are typically 2-4 hours, all that requires is a friendly attitude, willingness to help, and a good knowledge of the Downtown area. Volunteers must be 18 or older.
To volunteer contact: BID Operations Director Tim Jenquin at (608) 512-1341 or
Volunteer to be an Event Ambassador
As Madison’s Central Businesses Improvement District continues to grow its work in creating a “welcoming” environment in Downtown Madison via programs, unique experiences, and events, this growth requires additional support. The Event Ambassador program will fill this need by recruiting volunteers to provide attendees with event specific information, share enthusiasm for Downtown Madison events, support BID staff, assist with event preparation including set up, registration, clean up and more.
Generally, Event Ambassadors can expect to receive the following in appreciation of their volunteering. Please note that benefits will vary depending on the difficulty of the tasks assigned/signed up for.
• Behind the scenes tours.
• Discounts to events.
• Logo wear/gear for specific events.
• A Downtown Madison t-shirt that volunteers get to keep.
• Event Ambassadors will be included in the Ambassador appreciation party in the summer.
• Some Event Ambassadors will earn rewards from businesses including Slice Cards for Ian’s Pizza. These shifts will be clearly indicated.
• All Event Ambassadors will receive Downtown Madison gift certificates, ($25 for 25 hours volunteered). Most volunteer shifts will earn you $1/hour. Some volunteer shifts will earn you double the amount and will be clearly indicated.
Event Ambassador responsibilities will vary with each event. Event Ambassadors will report directly to BID staff. Generally, duties will include the following:
• Assist with set up and clean up.
• Manage activity areas.
• Assist in registration.
• Checking of IDs.
• Directing attendees and vendors.
• Helping with line control.
• Staffing at controlled entrances.
• Light information assistance for attendees.
• Handing out of materials.
• Taking of photos.
• Area cleanliness.
Please note the following are preferences but will not limit ability to be an Event Ambassador.
• Ability to work with others and take direction.
• Hard working and dependable.
• Able to work outside in all weather (except in hazardous conditions).
• Friendly and engaging personality. Approachable in nature.
• Willing to be firm in rule enforcement.
• Able to lift 25-50 pounds (necessary for some tasks but not all).
• Excellent customer service skills.
• Attention to detail.
• Ability to make independent decision to aid guests.
• All volunteers must be 18 or older.
Dates and times of volunteer shifts will vary with events but will be clearly communicated. Shifts will typically be 2-4 hours in length. All Event Ambassadors will receive training prior to their first shift. Shifts will be posted via e-mails to the volunteer list and posted here.
To volunteer contact: BID Operations Director Tim Jenquin at (608) 512-1341 or